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What others have said about Children of Abraham

Sharon Saulmon:


I had little knowledge of Islam, besides negative media, before this class….I really learned from each module. Perhaps what I liked the least were the questions that made me think the most, which were the best in the long run for me and my understanding.


Shannon Sixbey:


Nooo! ... I am going to miss this class. The spiritual discipline of the class was re-newing and re-invigorating, … The course became more than the creator intended. I used it as a mirror to understand other areas of misunderstanding and conflict in my life.

Janet Steele: 

Hatred is exactly why I signed up for “Children of Abraham” when Beth announced the course. My mother’s parents spoke heavily accented English and preferred to speak German at home in Cincinnati.


When Pearl Harbor was attacked, as Germany was allied with Japan, my grandparents’ neighbors kicked down the back door, seized their radio, and smashed it in the driveway. My mother was chased down the block by schoolmates and beaten for being ‘one of them.’  My mother impressed on me and my siblings how isolated she and her family felt, as once-trusted neighbors gave in to fear and hysteria. 


I took the “Children of Abraham” class to be reminded that we are all precious children of God, no matter our language, no matter our nationality, no matter our religion. And we, as the storytellers, have the honor of learning their stories, telling ours, and sharing God’s marvelous world with one another. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” 

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