Invitation to Spiritual Growth
3 Colors of Your Spirituality
What is your “spiritual style”? Why do other people connect with God so differently? Is your church embroiled in “worship wars?” Or is your connection with God in a rut?
Every Lent or New Year do you make the same spiritual resolutions, and fail? Do you really know your own spiritual style and want to go deeper? Or are you trying to imitate others?
Nearly all of Rev. Beth Galbreath's courses can help participants grow closer to God. But this one is all about how we relate to God, and how to understand others who may not connect with God the same way.
The concept of “3 Colors of Your Spirituality” springs from the pioneering Natural Church Development (NCD) research of Christian Schwarz in 70,000 churches across all six continents.

Participants will need to purchase “The Three Colors of Your Spirituality” by Christian Schwarz from in the U.S. or from your national NCD resource agency in other countries.
Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Advent/Lent/Summer
Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Advent or Lent or summer is a five or six-week spiritual exploration of one Gospel writer's presentation of Incarnation or Passion/Resurrection themes. It's for both those who want to Tell the stories by heart and those who prefer to Read scripture in worship, but want to Read "with a storytelling spirit!"
The course uses Zoom to gather the class in a face-to-tace online meeting once a week. There is also one discussion board assignment each week.